Saturday, February 7, 2009


昨天我去MEXICA... 我看见一个很熟的面孔,又长得矮。。我想下在我朋友之间,谁是矮的。。后来我想到了。。原来是Purple Star..<T_T。。我也看到我朋友阿Low在哪儿倒酒。。要跑来跑去真辛苦。。

你好也Purple Star!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Crazy Headmistress

Our school's HEADMISTRESS... An OLD HAG... she likes to hear her students sing NEGARAKU...  and to be HONEST... the students singing sucks like hell.. some FAST some SLOW... but she LIKES it... maybe next time someone should call her to STFU!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Humpty Fatty had a big Fall

Today at some tuition centre where the teacher laughs with NO voice, i was talking to my friend when suddenly...BOM! books and pecil case flies away from a people whom i shall call FNCB... FNCB saw a leng lui whom i shall call SIBEH... FNCB loves SIBEH... then while walking up the stairs, FNCB saw SiBeH then... SLIP and FALL.. WAHAHAHAHAHA

My Moral teacher

 This teacher ar.. the face change like siao lang one
got some people don wanna be a tv reporter but i dono
how he linked the job with the girl
she doesnt even wanna be a tv reporter..
He also keep says that the girls in school are CHEAP!
He even said that boys are STUPID~
I don't get his humour

N for NAH

A Big NAH to my moral teacher


Monday, February 2, 2009


I Duno Wat Is Blog but I am WINGING IT!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I can smash ur head until it become pancake and juice