Saturday, September 19, 2009

Success of BP and TC

Well today me and my friends went to Bukit Pelindung at 7am(today not drop from bed ah~).. So lets continue.. While we were waiting for other friends(damn bored).. We decided to go RUN along the road~ hehe.. Then we posed in the middle of the road.. Lion just sat on the road with his feet wide open(thinking wat i'm thinking?).. Lucky its early with very less cars~
At 7.30am we started going up the BUKIT.. It was very fast.. When we were going up, all the aunty and uncle smiled and said 'Good Morning'.. We reached the rest house at 8am sharp~! Well it was the greatest performance so far..

So you know we just went to Teluk Cempedak through the forest road as always..This time no snakes oh~ so hmm i say about 8 crazy dudes(me included), took picture at the big rock halfway to TC~ Hehe.. Everybody made funny poses.. Then the process is eat,play water,eat and go home.. While playing water, we suddenly took interest in catching CRABS.. so we caught a whole lot of it.. David pull out some and feed it to the big crabs.. Today is 'Chu 1' they still go and harm living things.. Know how time flies when you're having fun..Suddenly its 11.30am.. Me, Jerome and Tetsuya went to have a bath.. The water pipe there water small like hell.. I go pee oso more water come out! So after bath we went to Mc Donald.. saw my friend working there.. so i ordered a zinger set.. my friend ordered a filet-o-fish but the worker gave us a nugget set sia.. Then she say she heard wrong and ask if my friend wanna change.. My friend said to her..' You sudah menang dah' and we went to find a table.. After we ate, we went to my home and then to Tetsuya's home..

When we reach.. we straight go to his room and open XBOX360!!! We played loads of game.. Jerome was a pro at PROTOTYPE~ He masacared the whole city with his badass mutant powers.. After that when we were watching youtube.. He slept on the bed.. he said it was for a few minutes but he slept for almost half an hour~ WTF~! We went out for some fresh air around BI.. The buildings were awesome.. when we got back we started playing Wii.. We played Wii sports then MADWORLD.. Madworld is a black and white game with only one because we a badass Hitman running around killing 'SHOGUN' <ain't this called REVIVED?haha).. What will happen tomorrow? Who knows.. Well just have to wait~ kakaX.. Tell you a secret..*whisper*kenny today kena tahi and washed it in TC 1..Thats why we played in TC 2..wahaha*
Sayonara for today-you people!!

Russell aka BS
Quote: Old doesn't mean you can't have fun~!

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