Friday, October 9, 2009

A Publish out of Boredom..

Simple Minded
Patient I've Decided To Let go of These Imperfection To Become The Perfect Being..

No More Mister Nice Guy Towards Other People.. No more pushed by bullies.. No more self control.. No more respect TO girls!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What is mine.. stays MINE

So i say there was this crazy guy who picked up something which belonged to my friend.. Man this guy was a pain! He said :''why should i give it? Its mine..'' Before my friend found me.. I use my brilliant Eng-Ma-Nese to destroy his dignity completely.. (without flaw).. and so he says he just happen to be coincidentAlly walking on the road and accidentally found this thing he was looking for.. I said :''Shut IT! and give me back that thing!..'' With my eyes of piercing fear.. I looked into his soul!!(so i exaggerated.. so what?).. Well it seems i was taller than him by about 10cm or so.. He must know if we had to fight.. The outcome is.. you know if you've seen me before~ BUT I AM NOT A BULLY!! In the end i just grabbed the item i was looking for from his hands and just walks away(mist forming~)~ HAHAHA!!! tell ya all something.. The thing i was searching for is a pen.. with lights and laser..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Can't Take It Anymore

Theres something that just keeps hanging (or more accurate CLINGING) in my head for the last few days.. I just can't seem to solve IT.. So I guess i gonna give it up today.. Well its not like I'm a quitter or anything.. Its just that i ain't suited for this kinda thing.. And NO i won't tell you what it is.. Its a secret which only i know.. Well I am sure of one DAMN thing.. That is I am still hating that Mr.Wrong which I hated til created a group in facebook just to hate him.. You're asking: 'That much?' and the answer is yes and it always will be YES..

Well something unexpected happened today.. Its actually the first time for him to praise someone without thrash talking first.. He praised That somebody cause he/she did his homework with nice handwriting.. I ALSO GOT DO LAH! its just that my handwriting sucks and I did it intentionally.. his homework all I just simply wrote the answer.. I don't care about right or wrong.. I just want that Wrong to suffer and have to rewrite my sentence over and over again.. He deserves it.. Its like he searches for every GOD DAMN mistakes that we made.. even the slightest one..

So thats about it for today..

Quote: Let the past be the past and keep moving forward

~Russell aka BS~
(Creator of Anti-Wrong)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Megamall Run

Yesterday i went to megamall with my friends to watch movie(where got ghosts).. I reached megamall at 12pm.. So i went to KFC and eat my breakfast (ITS STILL EARLY TO ME) but one thing makes me go into thinking mode.. Why all my friends know I eating at KFC? so i asked and found out that one of them saw me at KFC and sms to everyone so they know loh!

Then we went to buy the movie tickets.. WTF! Chinese also bad at maths.. We bought 8 tickets and gave RM50..each ticket costs rm6 but that guy gave us RM8..(YOOHOO LUCKY!! ).. Do the math yourselves! Then we walked to ECM to go 'kacau-kacau' with our friends working there.. know what.. Two of my friends working at Parkson..lets just call them Teh and Where.. both of them look like GAYS! wearing the uniform for work..

After that we ate sushi! I ordered a big bowl udon and share with 3 people.. my friend, LION , ordered a big bowl soba and challenged.. If he can eat it up in 10minutes, IT TOTALLY FREE! but he cant finish it as it is too much for him.. so he has to pay.. Then we go play capcom.. 8 old people go capcom play game like crazy people.. we played air hockey and DRUMMING!

Then we went back to mega and watch movie.. I like the part where they were shitting and saw a ghost behind them.. Then they laugh and asked each other if they saw it and asked the other one if he dares to go ask for 4D number.. HAHAHAHA!

After that we split up.. Me and Ken-Ny go shopping~ see album then he go OSAKI to see if got iPod and he wanted to say " U MENANG DAH' if they don't have but they got the new iPod Nano! He want to say We kalah dah!

Then we go parkson and hide from LION.. he cannot find us.. so weak! then we went back home and slp.. THE END!

Quote- Old doesn't mean you cant have fun

Russell aka BS

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Success of BP and TC

Well today me and my friends went to Bukit Pelindung at 7am(today not drop from bed ah~).. So lets continue.. While we were waiting for other friends(damn bored).. We decided to go RUN along the road~ hehe.. Then we posed in the middle of the road.. Lion just sat on the road with his feet wide open(thinking wat i'm thinking?).. Lucky its early with very less cars~
At 7.30am we started going up the BUKIT.. It was very fast.. When we were going up, all the aunty and uncle smiled and said 'Good Morning'.. We reached the rest house at 8am sharp~! Well it was the greatest performance so far..

So you know we just went to Teluk Cempedak through the forest road as always..This time no snakes oh~ so hmm i say about 8 crazy dudes(me included), took picture at the big rock halfway to TC~ Hehe.. Everybody made funny poses.. Then the process is eat,play water,eat and go home.. While playing water, we suddenly took interest in catching CRABS.. so we caught a whole lot of it.. David pull out some and feed it to the big crabs.. Today is 'Chu 1' they still go and harm living things.. Know how time flies when you're having fun..Suddenly its 11.30am.. Me, Jerome and Tetsuya went to have a bath.. The water pipe there water small like hell.. I go pee oso more water come out! So after bath we went to Mc Donald.. saw my friend working there.. so i ordered a zinger set.. my friend ordered a filet-o-fish but the worker gave us a nugget set sia.. Then she say she heard wrong and ask if my friend wanna change.. My friend said to her..' You sudah menang dah' and we went to find a table.. After we ate, we went to my home and then to Tetsuya's home..

When we reach.. we straight go to his room and open XBOX360!!! We played loads of game.. Jerome was a pro at PROTOTYPE~ He masacared the whole city with his badass mutant powers.. After that when we were watching youtube.. He slept on the bed.. he said it was for a few minutes but he slept for almost half an hour~ WTF~! We went out for some fresh air around BI.. The buildings were awesome.. when we got back we started playing Wii.. We played Wii sports then MADWORLD.. Madworld is a black and white game with only one because we a badass Hitman running around killing 'SHOGUN' <ain't this called REVIVED?haha).. What will happen tomorrow? Who knows.. Well just have to wait~ kakaX.. Tell you a secret..*whisper*kenny today kena tahi and washed it in TC 1..Thats why we played in TC 2..wahaha*
Sayonara for today-you people!!

Russell aka BS
Quote: Old doesn't mean you can't have fun~!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

JackassRuss is back on blog(i think) ^_^

Well as you can see I am back here again(probably much nothing to do).. I have decided to come back to blog and write my heart's content(I think).. Well yesterdaY at school after i have decided on what to eat(well its always the same anyways).. Suddenly I had a stomach ache.. The unbearable pain(elaborating) was killing me.. So i waited for 10.30am where the toilets would be empty.. Then I asked my history teacher if i could go to toilet.. I said I SAKIT PERUT..then she says sakit apa.. I hate to repeat myself but i said it again SAKIT PERUT adding I WAN TO PANG SAI LAH! PANGSAI YOU KNOW? Well you don't need me to say what happens next.. Its 18sx so i guess i can't explain it to you all.. but i can tell u all one thing.. All the toilet walls are covered with.... use your imaginations.. So after that lets talk about what happened at home.. So i was going to pee.. Then (I NOT KAKI KEJANG AND THE URINE FLY EVERYWHERE AR!) i saw a cockroach.. I stepped on it with my feet..argh the CRUNCHING sound was like i stepped on a biscuit or something... Then i played the computer for awhile( the least is 3hours) then i gotta tuition.. damn rush on Thursday~ 4-6pm one tuition and 7-9pm one tuition.. I DAMN like the 7-9pm tuition which is accounts.. Its not that I am in to accounts or anythin.. its just that..Erm..Erm.. there are loads of beautiful girl... sadly none have the curves I would like to see.. Well its not completely sad.. hehe...

Well when i got home from tuition.. I went to play with my nephew.. He would kiss anyone who gave him sweets(including a scary looking me).. haha.. I then surf the internet.. And went to Facebook and look at my group called ANTI-WRONG which is used for one and only one goal.. DESTROY AND BANISH EVERYTHING THAT IS..WRONG错~ So called PRO in tennis and where badminton court is his land.. Me and my friends would gladly kill him in th badminton court.. Well this guy is old and you might not see it in him but he is actually very very really proud.. He said every guy in our school is useless.. Every guy in out country is useless.. Its as if the is a GAY or something.. So not cool..

Well i woke up today because I dropped from my bed (well don't laugh)... Then i feel like writing blog so there you are DEAD blog REVIVED!

yours truly~
JackassRuss aka BS
Quote : Old doesn't mean you can't have fun..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is It true?

wtf.. juz write shuang nia wahahahaha! I think i gonna be back and then gone for a while then back again like the ferris wheel or circle of life~ Ok lets get back the real deal. . Dont you think it's funny how you got a lot of friends but somehow you are separated for a period of time then an invisible wall will form between you and your friends? Though you are friends, you act like complete strangers in front of each other.. thats how i feel when i see some friends that I havent meet for a long time.. so i am №浪迹[天涯] aka Russell so called the BS~

You Dont do the crime If you can't do the time
Nice catch phrase eh?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Your life's greatest enemy!

Your life's greatest enemy is not strongest , smartest or richest people.. Strong ppl are often weak in studies like most football player and basketball players.. smart people are weak in sports and heavy work.. richest are stingy to help the poor although they hav loads of money
The greatest enemy is none other than yourself.. writing blog , play friendster, facebook, online games reflects your personal life.. I admit that i am very LanC... but LanC as i am , i still manage to help others and better myself(well not in studies anyways) enough about me.. lets continue our story.. ourself being the greatest enemy is actually not something easy to conquer.. first we have to conquer our fears , doubt and weaknesses.. and only with friends , trust and believes that we can conquer ourselves.. Friends are an important part of life...True friends help us through many hardships and difficulties we may face in life... not like my shitbag friend... he's a smart guy but a bit do i say this err.. CRAZY... hehe.. i mean it... almost nobody wanna be friends with him coz he sometimes hit you... scared eh?!
   Well once upon a time , He and JD fought.. he hit JD and JD got engulfed by the fiery flames of anger, took the wooden duster and hit his head a few times.. The shitbag's head bleed like u open pipe water to water plants.. its freaking AWESOME ... then he just sat there holding his head.. then he looked at his head and says ' i'm bleeding' then we ask him if he want to go to the principal's office and he said 'I'm fine.. just leave me alone'.. what a freaky guy...
Ok... once again back to my story... as i said friends are important.. but don simply go choose a LALA friend... they aren't trustworthy.. only true friends will help you if u land in big trouble or in a mess... 
  so you will just have to trust me if you be my friend... maybe i'm a good guy who'll help you or maybe hmm... MWAHAHAHAHA!

Happiest 5seconds of the year~

Last Saturday.. i saw a wonderful person smiling for a whole seconds.. When i was tuitioning I suddenly had a feeling that I would see a special person after tuition.. I actually brought my God of War version playstation portable to tuition.. inside keep play game nia.. but the feeling wont go away so i was feeling nervous because I don't know who I'll meet... so when tuition ended i was urging to go out of class but my friend like TURTLE so I talked with my other friend about maple as always... all he thinks about is maple.. Finally when i reach the door , my shot out to see who i was going to see.. when i got out i caught sight of a wonderful person smiling for 5seconds.. then guess wat happened? I gotta find my shoe and get out of the class.. the IRONY .. oh well live is unfair... we are fated to do something prepared by God... i think i will not see anything even wonderful for the year... Thats IT!!
As professor Russell-L says
life is like a circle created by god like man created a circus for animals to perform

The Happiest 5seconds of the year

Friday, March 13, 2009


他妈的!我第一次遇见这种情况。。发生什么事?好,我跟你们...这个人已经50岁++了。。还要穿什么童子军的衣服。。真是笑死人。。不要怪我华语烂,因为我华语就是这么烂!!!没办法啦~ 还有更好笑的是他还学跳舞,跳舞好像一块木,还要自己笑自己。。过后还在班上吊自己说自己是更残废过废人。。他不可以只是骂自己,他就看着我们然后说你们也是更废过废人。。不懂他是什么人来的。。

Saturday, February 7, 2009


昨天我去MEXICA... 我看见一个很熟的面孔,又长得矮。。我想下在我朋友之间,谁是矮的。。后来我想到了。。原来是Purple Star..<T_T。。我也看到我朋友阿Low在哪儿倒酒。。要跑来跑去真辛苦。。

你好也Purple Star!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Crazy Headmistress

Our school's HEADMISTRESS... An OLD HAG... she likes to hear her students sing NEGARAKU...  and to be HONEST... the students singing sucks like hell.. some FAST some SLOW... but she LIKES it... maybe next time someone should call her to STFU!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Humpty Fatty had a big Fall

Today at some tuition centre where the teacher laughs with NO voice, i was talking to my friend when suddenly...BOM! books and pecil case flies away from a people whom i shall call FNCB... FNCB saw a leng lui whom i shall call SIBEH... FNCB loves SIBEH... then while walking up the stairs, FNCB saw SiBeH then... SLIP and FALL.. WAHAHAHAHAHA

My Moral teacher

 This teacher ar.. the face change like siao lang one
got some people don wanna be a tv reporter but i dono
how he linked the job with the girl
she doesnt even wanna be a tv reporter..
He also keep says that the girls in school are CHEAP!
He even said that boys are STUPID~
I don't get his humour

N for NAH

A Big NAH to my moral teacher


Monday, February 2, 2009


I Duno Wat Is Blog but I am WINGING IT!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I can smash ur head until it become pancake and juice